#1 Rated Clinic Owner Blog

How to Make More Money and Have More Impact By Working Smarter, Not Harder (In Your Clinic).

Posted by Rick Lau on Oct 14, 2021 5:54:49 AM

Want to make more money, impact more people without having to work any harder? 

If so read on because on this new patient’s secrets episode, I had Aaron LeBauer, PT on. He owns LeBauer Physical Therapy in Greensboro, NC which is 100% cash-based practice. We shared insights how we were able to make more money, impact more people without working any harder.

You see, there are two types of clinic owners. The Gary Vee and the Tim Ferris.

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Topics: Clinic Culture

How to Create Great Clinic Core Values That Motivate Your Staff and Drive Desired Business Outcomes

Posted by Rick Lau on Sep 29, 2021 6:45:00 AM

Cores values are essential to creating a great clinic culture.

It bonds your team together with a shared sense of purpose to achieve your clinic's goals. But how do you create great ones that motivate your staff and deeply ingrain them into your culture to drive desired business outcomes?

That's what you’ll learn in this blog post.

Let’s get straight to it…

First, what are core values, and why are they important?

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Topics: Clinic Culture

How Any Clinic Owner Can Get Over Their Fear Of Treating Less

Posted by Rick Lau on Aug 20, 2021 9:01:40 AM

Inside Clinic Accelerator, we covered a topic that a lot of clinic owners have been asking about.

A lot of clinics owners want more freedom, they want to treat less but they’re scared to make the move for many reasons like:

I don't want current clients to feel like I let them down. 

I'm the best clinician. What happens if I stop seeing patients?

I’m scared to lose all my referrals.

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Topics: Clinic Culture

#1 Way The Best Companies Increase Employee Engagement and Employee Retention That Any Clinic Can Implement

Posted by Rick Lau on Jun 30, 2021 7:00:00 AM

When it comes to motivating, attracting, and retaining the best talent at your clinic, one of the most important things you can do is offer rewards. When your employees feel appreciated for their hard work, they will be more engaged in their jobs and less likely to leave voluntarily.

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Topics: Clinic Culture

How To Create Amazing Clinic Culture In 11 Easy Steps

Posted by Kate Durnin on Feb 19, 2020 5:00:00 AM

Where does a great clinic culture come from? How do you build and sustain a culture that needs fixing?

I’ll demystify how to build an awesome clinic culture in 11 easy steps that have allowed us to build our multi million dollar clinic.

But first, who am I and why should you listen to me? 

Hi, I’m Kate Durnin. I own a multi-disciplinary clinic in Calgary Alberta with my husband, Evan, that does multi millions a year.  Plus, our patients love us and we currently have almost 300 5-star Google reviews.   

After working with our business mentor (Rick Lau), we grew over 39% this year, and we're finally able to unplug from the business so that it can run profitably, without us having to be there all of the time.

Rick helped us do this by using proven systems, implementing a clinic director, and leadership strategies.

He also helped us develop and learn these 11 easy steps to building an amazing clinic culture, which I’ll reveal in this blog post.

But first, what is culture and why is it so important?

It's the feeling your patients and staff get when they walk into your clinic. It’s also the feeling they have when they leave your clinic.

For example, have you ever walked into a place whether a restaurant or store, that just didn't feel right? You just didn't have a “good feeling” about it?

That's what clinic culture is all about. A great clinic culture energizes your staff and patients when they walk in. 

Instead of your staff dreading going to work, suffering each day as they go through work that makes them cynical, weary, and frustrated.

The reason clinic culture is so important, is that more than ever, employees want to have an impact. They want to feel like they are apart of something bigger than themselves. They want to feel supported and valued. A great clinic culture is what separates good clinics from great ones.

But how can clinics truly create a place where your team wants to show up versus needs to show up?

It comes down to these 11 steps that we've used and shared with other clinics in our community on how to ignite passion in staff, without giving them a raise.

So let’s get started...

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Topics: Clinic Culture

The Unusual Employee Onboarding Process I Use to Retain Loyal and Talented Employees

Posted by Rick Lau on Dec 5, 2018 4:00:00 AM


I spoke with Tom a clinic owner last week that I’ve been mentoring for the past 2 years. We grew his revenue from $1.3 million to $1.7 million in the last 18 months.

Tom thought he had a marketing problem like most clients who hire me. The truth is most clinic owners don’t have a marketing problem but a people, training, and process problem.

They think in order grow their clinic they have to improve their healthcare marketing so they hire marketing agencies and consultants to come in. They spend a lot of money on advertising only to get poor results or lose it all.

Even if the marketing agency or consultant is really good. There is not much they can do if your front desk is not trained on how to maximize the number appointments on the phone. How to handle patient objections so they don’t call your competitor instead.

Then once you get the appointment is your patient experience great so they keep coming back and refer their friends, co-workers, and family to you?  And even give you a google review.

I told Tom before you even think about marketing you first need to get really good with clinic operations so you get the highest ROI possible from your marketing. Otherwise, you just speed up the rate at which your community finds you’re not good.

He was struggling to train new employees for his front desk. So I told him about the unusual employee onboarding process I use to train new employees fast so they can start producing right away. Not only that it’s the key to retaining talented and loyal employees. I wish someone told me this a decade ago when I was making all kinds of costly onboarding mistakes at my clinics.

Plus I’m going to give you a simple strategy to accelerate training even more that 99% of clinic owners don’t even know about.

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Topics: Clinic Culture

27 Things to do to Reward and Recognize Your Staff

Posted by Rick Lau on Jul 31, 2018 7:00:00 AM

I ran a sold-out conference last year called Accelerate. It's Canada's largest clinic business summit where hundreds of clinic owners attended.

We talked about everything from getting new clients with digital and doctor marketing, patient experience operations, commanding higher prices, selling your clinic and more. What came up is that clinic owners said their #1 problem was recruitment and management of staff.

Staff today are more difficult to manage than ever before, especially millennials. So It’s essential to have proven reward strategies in place to maximize their results and get the most out of them.

In this blog post, I’ll teach you the best 28 reward strategies my team and I have discovered from working with 100s of clinic owners to reward your staff to get maximum results from them when you can't afford to give them a raise. 

Lets get started…

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Topics: Hiring & Firing, Clinic Culture

How to provide constructive criticism that will make your front desk respect and love you using the Oreo Cookie Approach

Posted by Rick Lau on Jun 28, 2018 9:00:00 AM

Maybe you can relate…

You just finished treating a patient and have a few minutes to grab a bite to eat before your next patient. So you walk over to grab a quick snack and get a drink. As you’re eating you overhear a call with a potential new patient. The patient was pretty much ready to book but just had some general questions like whether their first visit was covered by insurance.

The caller says “I’ll call you back” and hangs up without your front desk even asking for an appointment!

Your blood is boiling and you want to shout at your front desk. Especially since competition is fierce with all the new clinic startups and you can’t afford to lose any more patients. Plus you spent all your hard earned money on advertising to get them to call… only to lose them because your front desk forgot to ask for the appointment.

I see this problem all the time when we are training the front desk and it’s one of the top phone objections they face. However, there’s a proven and highly effective script I give to all my clients and what clients pay me thousands to train their front desk to increase their booking rate. Allowing you to book more patients, increase your revenue, and stop those patients from going to your competitors instead.

I talk about it inside my brand new training tool kit “How to Book a Patient When They Say I Will Call You Back.”. You can get it by clicking here.

Many front desk staff just don’t realize they’re causing your clinic to lose patients by making these small but costly mistakes. Whether you do Chiropractor marketing, Physical Therapy marketing, or Healthcare marketing it’s expensive. You can’t afford to waste money because of mistakes that can be easily corrected in a minute.

When I speak at high ticket seminars and consult with clinic owners. They ask me this question all the time. “My front desk are good workers and I don’t want to lose them because it’s difficult to find good people.

But I see mistakes they make all the time on the phone that drives me crazy. I want to tell them but I’m afraid they’ll hate me for it or quit.

Then I have to spend all my valuable time finding another good person. Going through endless interviews. Then when I think I found a good one. I have to test and train them that many times causes me to lose a lot of money to see if they’re a good or bad fit. I really want to implement your techniques but how can I give them constructive criticism without them hating me or quitting?”

In this article, I’m going to reveal a simple Oreo Cookie Approach to providing constructive feedback that will make your front desk respect and love working for you.

When you provide constructive feedback in this way. You’ll have happier staff, book more appointments, and increase your bottom line.

I discovered this Oreo Cookie Approach through hiring 100s of staff for my 100+ clinics. I use this when I work with clinic owners. Plus our CallHero coaches use this to train front desk all the time to book more appointments

So let’s get started…

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Topics: Hiring & Firing, Clinic Culture

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