#1 Rated Clinic Owner Blog

7 Reasons You Need to Attend Accelerate LIVE 2019

Posted by Rick Lau on Feb 27, 2019 8:09:21 AM
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Accelerate Live 2019

Have you got your Accelerate LIVE 2019 ticket yet?

>>Get Your Ticket Here Before They Double<<

Attending an event can seem inconvenient right?

You have to take time off from running the clinic, find someone to take over, travel there, get a hotel, etc.

You may be thinking I'll just get the recordings when they come out. However, recordings are not available for anyone who doesn't get a ticket.

What's most important about an Event. Just one idea can make your investment back 10 fold. You apply a couple more ideas you can make 100 times what you spent on the event.

So if it's inconvenient for your schedule. Early Bird Ticket is equivalent to $10,000 put towards coaching or courses.

Here are 9 more reasons you should attend Accelerate LIVE 2019. At Accelerate LIVE You’ll learn...

1.) How to raise your prices every year without price resistance from your patients

As a clinic owner, your ability to make a profit is constantly under attack from your patients and competitors.

There will always be new clinics in your area offering lower prices. Making it more difficult to keep your clinic open. To counter this, in one of the sessions you'll learn a clever way to raise your prices without any “backlash” from your patients.

2.) How to attract a predictable, steady, new patient flow you can depend on.

You’ll learn what’s working now from 7-8 figure clinic owners. They will share with you what exactly they’re doing to keep their clinician's caseloads full. From Google, Facebook, and doctor marketing.

3.) Discover what’s working right now.

You’ll learn what’s hot, what’s new, and what's actually working right now to attract more patients, increase your revenue, decrease patient discharge, and a lot more. While your competitors are stuck running clinics the “Old Way”. You’ll be running your clinic the smarter, leaner, and faster way.

4.) Network With Clinics Owners Who Don’t Live in Your City

It can be LONELY being a clinic owner because so few people “get” your business.  At Accelerate we have Clinic Owners from all over Canada and from the U.S coming who don’t operate in your city.  

You can learn from each other without worrying about sharing your secrets. You can learn what’s working now in their area and apply it to yours to boost your bottom line.

I have many clients who have masterminds with other clinic owners who don’t live near each other. They share what’s working in each others area to grow their clinic faster. Why reinvent the wheel.

 >>Get Your Ticket Here Before They Double<<

Reserve Accelerate 2019 Tickets

5.) How to persuade talented Clinicians to work for you instead without having to offer them more

As you already know it’s tough to recruit a Physiotherapist, Chiropractor, or Massage Therapist at your clinic. Most have the demand (patients) but they just don’t have enough clinicians to take on the extra patients. Each Clinician gives you the opportunity to make an extra $250K in revenue for your clinic.

That’s why at Accelerate LIVE you’ll be learning about what’s working now in recruiting and keeping A players. What exactly to say to persuade talented Clinicians to work for you instead without having to offer as much as bigger clinics can. Works even when they have multiple good offers.

6.) FREE Fast Action Bonus: Rapidly Identify and Resolve Your Most Pressing Clinic Problem on a Live Mentorship Call ($1,000 value!) 

For the first 100 people who respond you'll be able to ask your unique clinic questions on a 30-minute live mentorship call with me... or one of my executive coaches if they would be a better fit for your problem. Then you’ll get situation-specific answers, solutions, and ideas that have worked wonders for my 7-8 figure private clients who pay me $1,000 an hour for a call. The knowledge you'll gain will more than pay for the event 10 fold.

7.) The strategy 7 and 8 figure clinic owners use to successfully and profitably expand to multiple locations

Many clinic owners think that when you expand you’ll make more money. The fact is that’s not necessarily true and many clinics owners end of making less with more headaches. You’ll learn a proven strategy that you can replicate to successfully expand to multiple locations to make more money. You’ll avoid the mistakes that most make that cause them to make less money.

Plus you’ll learn a whole lot more to grow your clinic.

Click here to reserve your early bird ticket before they double.


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